Thursday 24 November 2011

Stop Motion Walk Cycles and Moon Walk

Stop motion walk cycles done by a few of us. Oh and a moon walk.

Monday 14 November 2011

Perspective Exercise

Finally getting around to uploading work done in the first couple of weeks. This was an exercise on perspective and vanishing points, drawn at Stoke train station.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Life Drawing - Week One

   My work from week one of life drawing using charcoal and chalk.

Thursday 10 November 2011

A Little Late...

My groups name for the presentation was Moving On Swiftly and we decided to answer the question:

How are good and bad anthropomorphic characters are portrayed in stop motion?

We came up with our presentation subject by brain storming as a group and discussing possible topics.

The people in my group are:
Rob the Cartoonman
Mr Mover
Schiniou Eyes
Something Witty
Conor - K
Wild Motion
Show_Chris Doyle