Thursday, 24 November 2011

Stop Motion Walk Cycles and Moon Walk

Stop motion walk cycles done by a few of us. Oh and a moon walk.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Perspective Exercise

Finally getting around to uploading work done in the first couple of weeks. This was an exercise on perspective and vanishing points, drawn at Stoke train station.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Life Drawing - Week One

   My work from week one of life drawing using charcoal and chalk.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

A Little Late...

My groups name for the presentation was Moving On Swiftly and we decided to answer the question:

How are good and bad anthropomorphic characters are portrayed in stop motion?

We came up with our presentation subject by brain storming as a group and discussing possible topics.

The people in my group are:
Rob the Cartoonman
Mr Mover
Schiniou Eyes
Something Witty
Conor - K
Wild Motion
Show_Chris Doyle

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Summer Project

Over the summer I was assigned a project to create 7 self portraits showing the 7 basic facial expressions; anger, happiness, sadness, contempt, fear, disgust and surprise. Each had to be done in a different medium.

For my angry self-portrait I used a mix or mediums, I used a bad quality photograph blown up on A4 to give it colour, then using a fine liner added in all the shading and detail. I finished it by adding my hair in with acrylic paint.
Surprise (Pencil - I probably could could have added some more shading to it give it more depth.)
Disgust (in biro)
Contempt (Acrylic paint)
Fear (charcoal)
Sadness (wax crayon)
Happiness (Plasticine)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Anthropomorphic Character

I have decided to use Gromit as my anthropomorphic character. He performs human tasks and has human mannerisms but still remains mute, unlike most anthropomorphic animals in animation. He communicates entirely through the expression in his eyes and eyebrows and with his body language, which you might also associate with humans. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

My Three Blogs

The first of my blogs is , Rednose Studio is an illustration company that uses unigue 3D models to create stylised illustrations. I chose Rednose Studio because I love the unique look of the puppets.

The second blog is, it is run by a small animation company called White Rabbit Animations, and is a production log for their work, it is also a good source for new animators.

The third blog I have chosen is, Dragon Stop Motion is a stop motion software company. I chose this blog as it is good for finding out about new stop motion shorts and films, that I might not have otherwise come across.